Copyright and Use Policy |
Copyright Notice:
Artwork & graphic designs:
All original artwork and graphic designs on this web
site are copyrighted by Fred Hurteau.
These original graphics may not be used, reprinted, reproduced,
duplicated or copied, in whole or in part, for any purposes,
whether free or for hire, without the express written consent
of the author.
Unless otherwise credited, the photographs on this web site
are from original digital images taken by the author and are
copyrighted by Fred Hurteau.
Original photos on this web site my be downloaded by
students and teachers in public or private schools for:
- use as is in student's assignments for school research
papers, reports and the like,
- use as is in teacher's instructional materials,
class assignments, media presentations, students handouts
and like materials,
subject to these stipulations:
- the photos may not be altered other than to be resized
to fit the medium being used, or to be cropped if necessary
- the copyright information (© Fred Hurteau, [date],
CarolinaOuterBanks.com) and/or watermark must remain visible
and readable in the photo. If the photo is cropped out of
necessity so this copyright is removed, the copyright must
be added to the material and displayed along with the photo.
- any usual and customary credits (citing a reference, footnotes,
bibliography, etc.) should be given to include "Photo(s)
by Fred Hurteau, CarolinaOuterBanks.com, used with permission"
- materials in which these photos are used may not be sold
or charged for (including "student fees", "lab
fees", "course fees", "material fees"
or the like)
Otherwise, these original photos may not be used, reprinted,
reproduced, duplicated, copied or resold, in whole or in part,
by individuals or other entities for any non-commercial use,
or for any commercial purposes, or for hire, or for any form
of remuneration or personal monetary gain without the express
written consent of the author. To request digital files and
special permission for publishing and other commercial use,
contact a the author at:
Be specific and clear about your proposed or intended
use or application, and which photos you are interested in (by
identification code in the galleries, or by file name and web
page URL if from a web page).
Photos from other sources:
Some photographs and other materials on this web site are from
outside sources, including NASA, NOAA, and the Library of Congress,
and are properly credited to the best of our understanding.
Please notify the webmaster
if you believe any such items are not properly credited. Re-use
or publication of such items is governed by the source agency/author
of the materials in question. We are not a source for NASA,
NOAA or LOC photos or other materials.