How To Report Shipwreck Locations on the Outer Banks for |
WHAT to report- 1- Corrections, additions, clarifications or changes in the condition or disposition of sites listed on this website. 2- Newly discovered wreck locations. HOW to report it- Include as much of this information as possible: 1- Date of sighting. Day/month/yr, or at the minimum the week/month/yr (2nd week of June, 2004, for example). 2- Location information: (be as specific and precise as possible in all cases) Include GPS coordinates if possible. Also note highway mile markers, ramp numbers, distances in miles or tenths, landmarks, whether on the beach, behind the dunes, in the surf, and PLEASE use directions on the compass (NOT left or right). Indicate where you should or should not park your car to best reach the site (if applicable). 3- Photo - If you have digital photos you can email, please send them as email attachments. You will receive credit for your efforts. 4- Your name and contact information (email address): Please specify how you wish to be credited (by your name or a nickname or "screen" name you like to use on the web. Instead of John Smith of Yourtown, PA, you could be John S. from PA, or The Wreckhunter from Yourtown, PA, for example.) Please also provide your actual name just for us (we will not share your name or email address with anyone). In the event anyone were to email us asking how to get in touch with you about your report, we would forward their email to you and let you decide whether or not to contact them. 6- Credentials: (OPTIONAL) If you are a Park Ranger, an Outer Banks resident or property owner in the area who spends a lot of time there, please indicate such. If you are someone who has a hobby interest in shipwrecks or history, indicate those sorts of details as well. Email your information to us at - ![]() |
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